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Voice Recording Applet SDK 1.3 Free Download

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Voice Recording Applet SDKVoice Recording Applet SDK torrent

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Voice Recording Applets SDK allows recording the voice site, compress to 4800bps and sending the web server via HTTP.To playback the recorded voice server embedded voice streaming player or a separate player voice streaming applet can be used.The voice recording and voice streaming program developed in Java 1.1 . So, customers do not need to install a big size Java 1.3 recording and playback plug-in.Both program has enabled interface. So the developer can customize the JavaScript code, according to the scenario and style of the site. Capture audio from sound card. Sampling frequency is 8000Hz, 11025Hz, 16000Hz, 22050Hz, 32000Hz, 44100Hz, 48000Hz. -LAME MP3 audio encoding / decoding. -Play back MP3 files stored on the sound quality and content evaluation. Mp3 file to upload, HTTP web server. PHP server scripts used for Mp3 files on the server. -Playback MP3 files on the web server in flow mode. Target-browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 and above, Netscape 7, Mozilla, Opera, FireFox. Java Version: Microsoft Java and Sun Java plug-in 1.5.-1.3 Web Server: Unix, Microsoft.And-Demo Version allows you to record only 20 seconds.

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